Is Edge computing the future of Cloud?

You may be familiar with the terms Google Cloud and Amazon Web Services; these are computer infrastructures and data storage mediums that are used in a variety of industries today. However, these current systems operate in real-time and may encounter issues with data transfer delay, transmission capacity, and/or privacy. And this is where Edge computing enters the game.

Edge Computing may be exactly what we need to discover beyond the limits of conventional cloud-based connections. It is a new hot topic in the field of IT and is also recognized as fog computing. It is a distributed computing framework that brings computer data space nearer to where it is needed in an attempt to optimize response times and save network capacity.

Data is the modern business's lifeblood, providing important actionable intelligence and facilitating real-time control over critical business operations and processes. Companies today are overflowing in data, and large volumes of data can be routinely collected from sensor systems and IoT devices operating in real-time from remote regions and hostile operating environments just about anywhere in the world.

Major difference between cloud computing and edge computing: 

Edge computing and cloud computing are distinct technologies that should not be used interchangeably. The former is used to process time-sensitive data, while the latter is used to process non-time-sensitive information. In remote areas where connections to central locations are limited or nonexistent, edge computing takes precedence over cloud computing.

Recent information and uses of edge computing in this field:

In smart countries like America this type (edge computing) of IT infrastructure, Countries like Amsterdam and London have adopted the method of these devices for public safety and to improve the infrastructure qualities of the nation.
This infrastructure technology is also used in automatic vehicles to remove the problem of traffic and reduce accidents, and overall improve the on-road experience for the public.
Several pieces of research are made on this being used in the medical and pharma sector for the safety purposes of the patients.

As we saw in the preceding paragraphs, edge computing is extremely useful in a variety of fields, and its application is expanding to include a broader range of industries. As a result, we can conclude that edge computing is a futuristic concept that has the potential to be the future of cloud computing.